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Filming the Future: Documenting Regenerative Agricultural Energy Solutions

What We Do - Capture farmers’ stories of change. 

Farmers Challenges - Farmers are faced with challenging times from a changing climate to increased production costs. When it comes to building resilience, where to start? We know that farmers learn from each other. Through field days and networking events where you can learn about farm trials and check out the gear that’s being used. 

But what happens when there’s just no time to travel? That’s where a film can really help summarise and amplify farmer stories.These projects are about energy efficiency and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. 

Harnessing Innovation: NSW DPI's Pilot Projects Paving the Way for Energy Efficient Farming

The New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) has embarked on a mission to revolutionise on-farm energy efficiency. Through seven pilot projects across eight diverse sites, the NSW DPI is demonstrating innovative technologies and practices aimed at enhancing energy efficiency, security, and productivity while minimising on-farm energy use, costs, and emissions. We documented and captured the essence of these transformative journeys through our videos of these projects.  These pilots, strategically implemented in intensive sub-sectors such as dairy, horticulture, and feedlots, are set to reshape the landscape of agricultural energy consumption.

Diverse Technological Solutions

The pilot projects showcase a spectrum of technological solutions designed to address specific challenges within the agricultural sector. These include:

Solar Thermal Chilled Water Storage for Milk Cooling:

  • One of the pilots, at Dairy NSW introduces solar thermal chilled water storage and control systems for milk cooling. This innovative solution not only enhances energy efficiency but also provides a sustainable alternative to traditional milk cooling methods. 

Solar Photovoltaic Tracking System for Irrigation Pumps:

  • Another pilot project, at  Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School, focuses on the electrification of irrigation pumps, powered by a solar photovoltaic tracking system. By raising the system above the ground, livestock grazing in the same location becomes possible, showcasing an ingenious integration of technology with existing farming practices. 

Solar Photovoltaic and Battery Storage Systems:

  • The adoption of solar photovoltaic and battery storage systems is demonstrated in a separate pilot, demonstrated at Haddon Rig Stud and Avondale Feedlot offering a renewable and reliable energy source for farms. This not only reduces dependence on conventional power grids but also contributes to overall cost savings.

Electrification of LPG and Diesel Equipment:

  • The electrification of LPG and diesel-fueled equipment at Pecora Dairy is explored as part of the pilot projects, aiming to replace traditional fuel sources with more sustainable and cost-effective alternatives.

Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading:

  • An innovative approach is highlighted in the form of peer-to-peer energy trading at Rosnay Organic Wines and The Pines DairyThis system allows #farmers to exchange excess energy directly with each other, fostering a collaborative and sustainable energy ecosystem within the agricultural community.

Video Case Studies:

To share these groundbreaking initiatives with the wider agricultural community and mitigate the risks associated with adopting innovative technologies, we have collaborated with the NSW DPI to produce video case studies for each pilot project. This Project overview video offers a closer look at the implementation, benefits, and real-world impact of these technologies. 


These pioneering pilot projects stand as a testament to the potential of innovative technologies in transforming on-farm energy practices. By adopting these solutions, farmers not only enhance their own productivity and sustainability but also contribute to a more resilient, agricultural sector. The video case studies provide insights for other farmers considering the integration of these technologies. As we navigate the evolving landscape of #agriculture, these initiatives pave the way for a more regenerative and #energy-efficient future.

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