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Small Things Add Up to Big Things

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Katie Meyer @growloveproject

‘You are part of a greater ecosystem and a landscape so it's really important to look after

your own small patch of the world’ - Andrew Britton, Former Small Farms Coordinator.

We’ve been fortunate to work with the NSW Local Land Services (LLS) to produce a series of short films documenting the journey of small landowners participating in the government initiative, ‘Every Bit Counts’.

The Every Bit Counts program was developed to help landholders manage their lands in a way that improves their land production capacity and the environment.

The initiative aims to connect small landholders to other like-minded people and provide access to opportunities such as workshops, field days and resources. Some topics include weed management, habitat protection, pest animal control and ways to develop skills in sustainable land management.

Photo; Andrew Britton, Local Land Services Kirsty and Andrew Hambrook of Terrewah Farm

How Small is a Small Farm?

First off, let’s determine what defines ‘small’. The program is for landholders on 2-20 hectare properties. For a comparison of size, the average commercial farm in Australia is 4,331ha. You could fit over 200 small farms into one large farm. That’s huge. Or should I say small?

So, does size matter? Why even focus on these smaller plots? Despite the size, many smaller properties have native vegetation, creeks and dams, which provide valuable habitats and play a critical role in managing the natural environment.

According to statistics, these smaller ‘hobby farms’ take up around 20% of the agricultural land in Australia. That’s significant. To put it into perspective, 20% of the Australian landscape encompasses all of NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and about half of South Australia.

Ok, you get my gist. We see that individual size doesn’t matter much - but small things add up to big things. Like land. And raindrops. And people. Vincent Van Gogh once said, ‘Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.’

It's the People that Count

That brings us to the heart of this project - the people. The individuals participating in the program are gaining a better understanding of their property and the value it has on local native plants and animals. Together, this group can make a significant contribution to protecting Australia’s biodiversity and healthy landscapes.

Without further ado, I’d like to introduce and humbly acknowledge the following individuals who have participated in this program. They have openly shared with us their experiences on their journey. I hope you are as inspired as I am by their stories. Enjoy!

Participants in the Every Bit Counts Program:

Kirsty and Andrew Hambrook, Terrewah Farm

Kristen and Mark McClennan, Kangaroo Valley Pastured Eggs

Kim and David King, Berry

Terry Wilson, Aquila Park

Henrietta and Geoff Summerhayes, SoCo Farm

In the End...

...small things, in this case, small farms and landholders can work together to create a combined larger ecosystem in which plants, animals and people can thrive - contributing to a big, positive impact on our future.

We hope you enjoy the films and please share so we can Grow the Love. Thank you!

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